Saturday, July 27, 2024
By Barani Krishnan - The rally in oil seems stuck with nowhere to go. U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude and U.K. Brent oil barely moved in Monday's trade as...
Abigail Disney, the wealthy granddaughter of Walt Disney Co. DIS, +0.83% co-founder Roy Disney, has long been critical of fat executive paychecks. On Thursday, she put it like this: ‘If your CEO salary is at the 700, 600, 500 times your...
BY GREG DEPERSIO Updated Feb 27, 2019 Annuities can sound enticing when pitched by a salesperson who, not coincidentally, makes huge commissions selling them. To be certain, this unique investment product offers legitimate benefits. Its growth is tax-deferred, and annuities...
Colorado drillers are gearing up for a fight after Democratic lawmakers proposed overhauling the state's oil and gas commission and reforming regulations that could create new roadblocks to fossil fuel development. Two of the state's top Democrats introduced the legislation...
Big companies have long capitalized on business-friendly laws to minimize their tax liability. Now, President Trump's tax law is making it even easier for profitable corporations to reduce what they owe the government. Case in point: Companies ranging from internet...
The U.S. dollar rose against a basket of various currencies on Monday as investors looked past comments made by President Donald Trump over the weekend regarding the greenback. The U.S. Dollar Currency Index, which tracks the U.S. currency's performance against...
Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday wealthy Americans are not paying enough taxes. "The wealthy are definitely undertaxed relative to the general population," Buffett told CNBC's Becky Quick during a "Squawk Box" interview. "As we get more specialized, the rich will...
CNN Bernie Sanders raised nearly $6 million in the 24 hours following his 2020 presidential campaign launch, his campaign said Wednesday, a record-smashing debut that easily outstripped his Democratic rivals. Sanders raised $5,925,771 from 223,047 individual contributors across all 50...
The U.S. auto industry urged President Donald Trump's administration on Monday not to saddle imported cars and auto parts with steep tariffs, after the U.S. Commerce Department sent a confidential report to the White House late on Sunday with...
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 05, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Applied BioSciences Corp. (APPB), a diversified cannabinoid therapeutics company focused on the medical, bioceutical and pet health industries, announced that has received a capital distribution of approximately $186,000 from its investment...
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